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McMinn County Historical Society and Archives
4. Miscellaneous States Records and Genealogy Quarterlies

1. Stirpes -Texas State Genealogical Society - 1960 Volume 1, Number 2, June 1961
2. The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume CXL VII, July 1994
3. The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume CXLVII, April 1993
4. The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume CXL VIII, January 1994
5. The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume CXLVII, October 1993
6. The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume CXL VII, January 1993
7. The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume CXL VI, October 1992
8. The Planters of the Commonwealth
9. The Mayflower Quarterly-August 1987 Volume 53, Number 3
10. Images of Connecticut Life
11. The Southern Frontier, 1670-1732
12. Pioneers of the Old South
13. The Conquest of the Old Southwest
14. The History of the Descendants of the Jersey Settlers, Adams County Mississippi, Volume II
15. Henderson - Home of Audubon
16. Know Your Ancestors
17. Irish Passenger Lists - From Belfast to Philadelphia, PA 1803-1804
18. Genealogical Material in Oregon Donation Land Claims Volume III
19. Genealogical Material in Oregon Donation Land Claims Volume II
20. In Touch with the Past
21. Pioneer Families of Missouri
22. Burke's American Families with British Ancestry
23. Monck's Corner, Bradley County, SC
24. History of Roane County, TN 1801-1870
25. Telephone Directory -Athens, Tenn., Charleston, Etowah, Englewood, Niota, Riceville,
July 1958
26. Tennessee Historical Markers
27. Goodspeed's History of East Tennessee
28. Old Cemetery Burials of Milwaukee County Wisconsin, Volume 2
29. Appalachian Summit Part 1, 1540-1838
30. Virginia Records
31. Manilla School 1919-194 7
32. For Whom the Bell Tolls-Mouse Creek Elementary School 1912-1959
33. The Bell That Tolled-Mouse Creek Elementary School 1912-1959
34. Parishes of Virginia
35. Virginia Wills and Administrations
36. The Legacy of Bellrattle
37. South Carolina - Fort Loudon 1750's
38. Bertie County North Carolina Volume Ill 1730-1739
39. Colonial Bertie County North Carolina, Volume VI, Abstracts Deed Book F, 1739-1744
40. The Carolinas Genealogical Society, Monroe, North Carolina XXXVIV, 2 Fall 2002-2003
41. Index to North Carolina Wills 1663-1900 Volume One - Alamance, Alexander, Anson,
Ashe, and Beaufort Counties
42. The Fort Loudoun People
43. The Fort Loudoun People 2
44. Construction of Fort Loudoun
45. Smoky Mountain Family Album
46. Rawlings Funeral Home Records 1943-2000 Sevier County TN
47. Mecklenburg Co., NC Deeds 1778-1779, Deeds 1778-1779 1779-1782, Tax List 1797-
1799, 1806-1810, Deeds 1782-1886, Old Mecklenburg Genealogical Society
48. Mecklenburg Co., NC Tax List 1811-1824, Old Mecklenburg Genealogical Society 1998-
49. North and South Carolina Early Historical and Genealogical History
50. The Carolina Genealogist - South Carolina Colonial, State, and County Records
51. Appalachian Summit Part 2 1837-1900
52. 1700s History - Lieut. Henry Timberlake, Col. Chicken, Ludovick Grant, Old South
Conquest- Captn. John Stuart - Fort Loudon (Book) ·
53. Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County
54. Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County
55. Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County
56. Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County
57. Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County
58. Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County
59. Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County
60. Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County
61. Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County
62. Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County
63. Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County
64. Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County
65. Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County
66. Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County
67. The Quarterly-York County South Carolina-March 1990, Volume 1, Number 4
68. The Bulletin - Chester District Genealogical Society, Richburg, S.C.
69. The Bulletin - Chester District Genealogical Society, Richburg, S.C.
70. The Bulletin - Chester District Genealogical Society, Richburg, S.C.
71. The Bulletin - Chester District Genealogical Society, Richburg, S.C.
72. The Bulletin - Chester District Genealogical Society, Richburg, S.C.
73. The Bulletin- Chester District Genealogical Society, Richburg, S.C.
74. The Bulletin- Chester District Genealogical Society, Richburg, S.C.
75. The Bulletin - Chester District Genealogical Society, Richburg, S.C.
76. The Bulletin - Chester District Genealogical Society, Richburg, S.C.
77. The Bulletin- Chester District Genealogical Society, Richburg, S.C. Vol. XVI, No. 1
78. The Bulletin - Chester District Genealogical Society, Richburg, S.C. Vol. XIX, No. 4
79. The Bone Rattler-Bulletin of the Swain County
80. NGS Newsletter, Arlington, VA
81. NSG News - North Carolina Genealogical Society
82. 1861-1961 Centennial History-Clay County, NC
83. The Bone Rattler - Bulletin of Swain County
84. NSG Newsmagazine July/Aug. 2001
85. South Carolina
86. The NC Genealogical Society-Monroe, NC Bulletin
87. The NC Genealogical Society-Monroe, NC Bulletin
88. The NC Genealogical Society - Monroe, NC Bulletin
89. The NC Genealogical Society-Monroe, NC Bulletin
90. The NC Genealogical Society - Monroe, NC Bulletin
91. The NC Genealogical Society - Monroe, NC Bulletin
92. The NC Genealogical Society - Monroe, NC Bulletin
93. The NC Genealogical Society-Monroe, NC Bulletin
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