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1830s McMinn County

Jesse  Douglass

Malcom McDugal

James  Douglass

John  Mcdowell

John  Douglass

Davis Douthet

William  Douglass

John  Mcdowell

Robert  Douglass

John  Douthet

Isaac  Mcdowell

Anchises Douglas

Tyler Drake

Herbert Doyel

John  Mcdow

Christopher Liner

Oswell Liner

Joseph  Lask

James  Liner

John  Key

William s Kayes

James  Mccann

Leonard Cain

Joseh Kays

Jane Caline

Saml  Ewing

Edmond Eunice

Jonathan Evans

Philip Ewbank

James  Evans

Saml  Ebanks

Joel Kirpatrick

Wsly Kinman

Claiborne Kinman

John  Kirkpatrick

Elisha  Kirksey

John  Mcclain

John  Ketchen

George  Kirksey

Runell Mansel

William  Maples

Edward Manery

Robert  Mansel

Elijah Melton

Dancy MAllen

Carter Melton

John  Campbell

William  Campbell

Starling Camp

John  Camp

James  Campbell

Andrw Campbell

Archibald Cameron

David  Campbell

Charle Campbell

Sarah  Campbell

John  Campbell

Robert  Cnce

Robert  Maxwell

Gturn Mays

Pearson Mayfield

John  Maxfield

James  Mwiatt

Geroge Mayo

Thomas  Maughn

Patton Matthews

Rachel Mayfield

Anson Matthews

James  Mayfield

David  Maxfield

William  May

John  May

Jesse  Mayfield

Henry  Matlock

William  Maxwell

Edward Maxfield

John  Matthews

James  Mcnabb

Bennet Norman

Christos Norvill

John  Norris

Matthew Mcnabb

William  Norman

George  North

Achr Norris

Wyatt Norris

Peyton North

Jeremiah Reid

Rebecca Reddin

Michael Rsinet

Robert  Reed

David  Reid

Saml  Reinman

George  Reid

Maximillian Rector

William  Reid

Saml  Reed

Robert  Reid

Elizah Rector

Danial Lowey

John  Losse

Arch Napier

Thomas  Dinon

Jurdin Myers

William  Knman

Charles  Mcnully

William  Riggan

Lawson Reifers

Lewis Riddle

William  Riggs

Rdah Riggs

Roland Riddle

Samuel Riddle

Levi Railey

Samuel Riggs

James  Riggans

Francis Riddle

Thomas  Riggins

John  Gee

Charles  Gee

John  Gee

James  Gault

George  McGee

Sburn Senter

Willis Center

James  Senter

Martin Senter

James  Shadle

William  Senter

Francis Center

William  Shamlin

Archibald Shamlin

David  Shutty

Dennis Sewell

James  Sewell

John  Shamlin

William  Shorkey

Samuel Sigg

Samuel John son

Lewis John ston

Jarret John ston

Uriel John son

James  John ston

Joel John ston

Mary  John son

Thomas  John ston

Polly John ston

Jacob  John ston

Hutson John son

William s John ston

John  Mcclatchy

Holbert Mcclure

John  Clarke

Adolphus Mcclatchy

John  Smith

Nathl Smith

Joseph  Smith

Mary  Smith

Sarah  Smith

Henny Smith

Bolling Smith

John  Smith

James  Smith

John  Smith

Saml  Smith

Jackson Smith

William  Smith

Joseph  Smith

Thomas  Smith

John  Smith

William  Smith

Ares Smith

Nancy Smith

Asa Smith

James  Smith

Caleb Smith

Saml  Smith

Stephen Smith

Isaac  Smith

Joesph Smith

Isaac  Smith

Riley Smith

Jacob  Smith

George  Smith

William  Smith

Willis Smith

James  Smith

Robert  Smith

Evan Smith

John  Smith

Joseph  Smith

Thomas  Sneed

James  Smith

John  Frazier

Bennet Franklin

Saml  Frazier

Edmond Franklin

Abraham  Fox

Com Franklin

Anna Fox

Gillis Franklin

David  Greenway

Phebe Greene

John  Greene

Neely Greiman

Cistopher Graver

James  Greene

John  Sybert

Micah Sellars

Aaron Selph

John  Seay

Woodson Seay

William  Sellars

Edward Cellars

John  Seay

James  Sellars

John  Sackrison

Moses Teague

James  Tate

Edward Tayler

Sam Taylor

Larkin Taylor

Will Taylor

Charles  Tayler

James  Taylor

Baldwin Cate

John  Cate

Gibson Cate

Margaret Cassingham

Elijah Casteel

Joshua Cawood

Jennet Cosper

Jame Mccasland

Alexr Casteel

Ephraim Cate

Simeon Cate

Geo Castellon

Edmond Casteel

Martin Casada

Reubin Casada

Amos Cate

Gideon Cate

Saml  Cate

William  Cate

Robert  Cate

Joseph  Cathcart

Leroy Cate

William  Cate

Joseph  Cate

Charles  Cate

James  Cate

John  Cassingham

John  Cate

James  Cass

Martha Cassara

Elizah Cate

Pleasant Cassingham

William  Essman

John  Essman

William  Endsley

Hugh Erskine

Jesse  Epperson

Thomas  Epperson

William  Endsley

James  McAllister

Jesse  McAllister

Peter  Olden

Wsty Mccallister


Robert  Rentfrow

James  Ragan

Ephraim Ragan

Ewell Reves

James  Bockshine

Garrett Buckner

Will Mcbrien

Barron Buckner

Peter  Bryant

Levi Lacy

Philemon Lacy

Shirley Lafferty

William  Lacy

William  Albert

John Alexander

James  Harris

John  DeHart

James  Harris

William  Harris

John  DeHart

James  Harris

Isaac  Harding

Patsy Harrison

Josiah Harris

Thomas  Hickman

George  Hix

Ho Hickox

William  Hix

John  Hickman

Frederick Hickman

James  Hickey

Shadrack Hix

Barnett Hicklin

Richard  Hicks

Isaac  Hester

John  Hickman

Charles  Hix

Elia Hickman

James  Hix

Timothy Hix

Clee Nicholls

John  Denick

George  Reynolds

Lyman Rice

Friend Reynolds

John  Richard son

Joseph  Wards

Thomas  Richard son

David  Rhodes

Henry  Reynolds

Adam Richard s

William  Ray

Jesse  Rice

Thomas  Ray

Frederick Richard

Saml  Reno

Joseph  Rae

John  Rice

Asa Richard s

Susanna Richard son

Martha Rice

John  Rice

Janey Rice

William  Richard son

Humphrey Reynolds

Isham Reynolds

Richard  Richard s

Isaac  Rice

Edward Robert s

John  Robert s

John  Robert s

Joseph  Robinson

James  Robert son

Elizabeth Robinson

Alese Robeson

Joshua Robert

Thomas  Roberts

John  Robeson

Joseph  Robert

Barbara Roberson

Benjamin  Roberts

John  Robert son

Thomas  Robeson

Saml  McRoberts

Morgan Roberts

John  Robert

Charles  Robeson

Edward Roberts

James  Roberts

Danl Robeson

John  Robeson

John  Tedford

Maria Thatch

James  Tedford

Jonathan Thomas

William  Terry

Nancy Templeton

John  Templeton

Isaac  Tinney

Joseph  Teffeteller

Jesse  Thacker

Levi Teaster

Saml  Hutcheson

Lraner Hutson

James  Hawkins

Elizah Hurst

Nathan Thomas

James  Thompson

William  Thompson

George  Thomas

John  Thompson

Jhoida Thompson

Geo Thompson

William  Thompson

Thomas  Thompson

Alfred Thompson

John  Thompson

William  Thomssen

Saml  Thompson

Mary  Thompson

John  Thompson

James  Thomas

William  Thomas

John  Thomas

Robert  Thompson

John  Thomas

Joseph  Thomas

Danl Thompson

Aexandr Thompson

John  Duffey

Thomas  Duff

Nimrod Triplett

Betsy Toone

John  Tucker

Joel Triplett

Lewis Triplett

James  Trotter

John  Torbet

Abel Troublefield

Achd Turk

Isom Trotter

John  Tunnell

Forrester Upshaw

Ezekiel Vngant

Jacob  Vinzant

Reubin Vngant

John  Vngant

Charles  Wakefield

Alexander Wakefield

James  Wade

Thomas  Wakefield

Benjamin  Ward

Saml  Wear

Allen  Ware

John  Wear

Saml  Weer

Bnjam Ward

Abraham B Wear

John  Fisher

Noah Fisher

Saml  Flythe

Elias Fite

Will Ftzgerrald

John  Ftzgerrald

Peter  Fite

James  Flannigan

Jacob  Fitch

Ebenezer Fain

Saml  Firestone

Saml  Fitzgerrald

William  Firestone

John  Fitzgerrald

Peter  Fite

Matthias Firestone

Martha Lyles

Abner Lee

William  Lee

James  Lee

Aquilla Ltherwood

Reuben Ltherwood

John  Clater

Nancy Leiper

Major Lee

Saml  Legg

William  Lee

Benjamin  Crow

John  Crittenden

Robert  Crow

Nancy Cromwell

Nathanl Crittenden

Charles  Crittenden

John  Crumley

Jno Crisp

Henry  Mccroy

Patience Cromwell

John  Crow

Catherine Crow

Isaac  Crow

James  Crisp

Charles  Crittenden

David  Crocket

John  Crockett

Suthard Crewdson

John  Hooper

John  Hopper

Andrew  Hooper

Robert  Hood

Thomas  Hopkins

William  Hood

John  Hood

Sarah  Holt

Hwthorn Hood

William  Hooper

John  Hood

Augustus Hopper

Abraham  Gonce

John  Gonce

William  Bates

Jacob  Bassinger

Michael Bassinger

Josiah Basley

William  Bass

Eilias Barclay

William  Boatman

John L ewis

Willie LewAllen

John  Bryant

Ellison Bryant

Richard  Bryant

William  Bryant

William  Brownlow

Holloway Power

John  Parkeson

Amos Potts

Edward Prater

Saml  Prater

Manuel Prakeson

Willliam Prater

Ireland Cooke

Alexander Mccalley

Philip Cooper

William  Cooke

George  Cooke

Jacob  Cooke

Ebenezer Cooper

William  Cooke

Jim Coley

Polly Beshears

Pleasant Burner

Geo Burger

Susanne Burger

Robert  Davis

Benjamin  Davis

Nancy Davis

Jacob  Davis

Aaron Davis

Beady David son

Silas Davis

William  Davis

Calvin Davis

Jesse  David son

Benjamin  Davis

John  Davis

Isaac  Davis

Henry  Davis

Burton Davis

Mary  Bradford

Henry  Bradford

James  Broyhill

Lise Bowman

Silas Boyd

James  Broyhill

Henry  Bradford

William  Bradley

Ambrose Bradby

Mihael Bradford

Nathan Bramlett

Dnl Bradley

Danl Broyles

Hamilton Bradford

Robert  Bowman

James  Braden

Lazarus Chitwood

William  Christian

Lewis Christian

Benjamin  Cristina

John  Moore

James  Moore

Hugh Montgomery

Jabez Moore

Lttlebury Morre

Robert  Monroe

George  Monroe

Jacob  Moors

Davd Mooney

George  Montgomery

Sarah  Gossage

William  Goode

Joseph  Garton

John  Goss

Thomas  Gossage

Leander Goodson

Allen  Goss

James  Goodwin

Walter Goodwin

John  Goodwyn

Danl Mcfail

Doctor Pearson

George  Patty

John  Petner

Oea Patty

Sndon Peter s

Edmond Peerson

Alby Pearson

Aexd Mcpherson

Christian Peter s

William  Pearson

Benj Patty

Barton Mcpherson

Adam Petner

Benjamin  Ragsdale

Christopher Ramey

Thomas  Ramey

Christopher Ramey

Philip Raines

Jane Ragsdale

Willie Ragsdale

John  Deran

John  Hawkins

Joseph  Hawkins

Abraham  Hays

James  Hawkins

David  Heydon

John  Hassler

William  Hays

William  Hawkins

James  Hays

John  Haye

Joseph  Hatfield

William  Hays

Charles  Havens

David  Hawkins

Allen  Harvey

Hezekiah Angel

Dnl Anderson

Martin Anderton

John  Anderson

Jesse  Anderson

Isaac  Anderson

William  Anderson

John  Barns

Saml  Barnett

John  Barksdale

John  Burnett

William  Barnett

Joseph us Barnett

John  Burnett

James  Burnett

Nathan Barksdale

Joseph  Barnett

John  Barnett

William  Barnett

Rowland Barnett

John  Burnett

James  Barnett

Douglas Barksdale

Danl Barnes

Samuel Barnett

Caleb Maze

Absalom Meadows

William  Meadows

John  Miser

William  Penn

Jesse  Peene

William  Peene

Daniel Pursell

Nancy Pursley

John  Queen

Cyrus Qiet

Weston Purce

Edmond Ramsay

William  Randolph

James  Rash

Robert  Randolph

John  Rasky

Peyton Randolph

Lancaster Randolph

Charles J Reith

Pleasant Randolph

Hezekiah Randolph

Lewis Ramsay

Peyton Randolph

Nancy Ramsay

Ann Brandon

Isaac  Brewer

Jeffersen Branham

Palmer Branam

James  Bromwell

Nathan Brewer

Thomas  Gerrin

Robert  Garrison

Mary  Ring

William  Relin

John  Roach

Ephraim Rinehart

John  Roach

David  Haraldson

Thomas  Ripley

Dnl Rinehart

William  Ring

John  Harkrider

John  Hardwick

Isaure Hardin

John  Harel

Richard  Hardin

Danl Harrisson

Joseph  Harden

Hardy Harden

Saml  Hardy

Richard  Harrisson

John  Harel

Marten Harden

Enoch Harel

David  Harkrider

Joseph  Caldwell

James  Calhoon

William  Caldwell

James  Calahan

Robert  Coldwell

Solomon Caldwell

Hughes Cade

Lemuel Cartright

Nathl Carroll

William  Carroll

Walter Caruth

Charles  Carter

John  Mccarty

Thomas  Cartright

Nancy Carson

Ann Caruth

Aner Casey

Henry  Carroll

William  Carter

Thomas  Caskey

Thomas  Cash

John  Casey

Moses Casey

Dmey Casey

Levi Cartwright

Isaac  Martin

Holden Martin

Matthew Marten

Charles  Martine

Robert  Martin

John  Martin

George  Marlow

John  Marshall

William  Marshall

Thomas  Marston

John  Marston

Oire Rodgers

William  Rogers

SelahAnn Rlyon

Jrper Romines

Samson Graham

John  Grantham

Susannah Graddy

Francis Mcgowan

Curtis Mcroy

Henry  Rowell

Zachariah Ruth

Richard  Rothwell

James  Rolling

Ntho Ross

William s Rowell

John  Srimshear

Adam Shear

Thomas  Shelton

Eli Sharp

Robert  Sharp

Joel Sharp

Saml  Shelton

John  Shaye

William  Shelton

Thomas  Shelton

Jacob  Sharp

David  Shelton

Park Shelton

Joseph  Shelton

James  Mccartney

George  Colville

George  Colville

John  Mccartney

John  Mccartney

Matty Colville

William  Covington

Joseph  Colville

Thomas  Cato

John  Bower

Nicholas Boring

William Bolling


John Bower

William Bolling

David Bolling

John Bolling

Obediah Bolling

Joseph Bolling

Elisha Bolling


Hartzell Royster

William Rucker

Peter Rubel

Achilles Roofner

Sarah Rudd

James Rucker

William Rudd

William Rush

John Rudd

Joseph Rybun

Mordecai Rucker

Levi Spencer

Agtregale Special

David  Sard

James  Sttherd

Ahbung Spears

Michael Sower

Levi Spencer

Wesley Spearman

William Sparks

Dorcus Saunders

Nathl Sonder

Clemons Saunders

William Saunders

Richard  Saunders

Barnell Barker

Thomas  Baber

Abraham  Barb

Burnett Barker

Saml Staggs

Ezekiel Spriggs

Thomas  Stanberry

Walton Staggs

Thomas  Staggs

James Stanphill

Saml Stanberry

Moses Stalcup

Sandly Spradling

Richard  Spradling

Isaac  Stalcup

William Stafford

John Rowden

Srkey Rowden

Elkanah Rowden

Sally Lusk

Hugh Massy

Wnsted Ltull

Eddy Lusk

James Lynch

Richard  Lutrell

Joseph Roper

James Roper

Saml Rose

James Romack

Barbara Strickler

William Stubblefield

Nathan Sullens

Jolly Stubblefield

John Sullens

Silas Oneal

John Neil


John Neil

Abraham  Neil

John Neill

Joseph Neeley

Levi Baxter

Spencer Beavers

William Bean

William Beatty

James Lowry

Susan Lowry

John Love

John Luck

Abraham  Lowe

James Lowry

John Love

Isaac  Lowry

Sarah Lowrey

Isaac  Lowe

Thomas BLove

Johnston Edging

Walter Edwards

John Elliott

James Elder

John Elliot

Saml Elder

Jesse  Elliot

Elijah Elder

Rowland Elledge

John Elder

James Massingale

Luke Mazle

William Mason

William Masson

John Murrey

John Murphy

John Murphey

Robert  Murphy

Saml Murphy

Polly Mcmurry

Joseph Merley

Onslow Murrell

Robert  Murphey

James Munson

Sally Musick

John Mcmurry

Thomas Swafford

Isaac  Swan

William Soong

Robert  MSwan

James Trammel

Thomas Towsend

William Htower

Richard  Treadway

Solomon Touchstone

John OBoggs

Solomon Bogart

Lewis Bagne

Kenny Bullens

Joseph Bullens

Peter Bollinger

William Dyer

John Dison

Saml Dison

Eli Dison

Josiah Hdyeons

Ann Dison

James Dyer

Ambrose Lett

Richard  Lenox

Thomas Lesly

Johan Leonard

Thomas Lemmens

Robert  Pace

Jonathan Owens

Hram Overby

Thomas Owens

Wilson Owens

Leonard WPace

John Owens

Dnl Owens

Samson Oswalt

William Walker

John Walker

William Walker

James Walker

William Walker

Henry  Walker

James Walker

Geo Walker

Robert  Walker

Thomas Walling

Jesse  Walling

Thomas Walling

William Walker

Elias Walker

John Walling

James Walling

Halton Walker

William Wadkins

Hannah Washam

David  Wasson

Louis Waters

Andrew  Warnack

Isaac Waters

William Wyrick

Frederick Wyrick

Conrad Wassom

Benjamin  Wasson

John Weaver

Juluis Webb

Adam Weaver

Mary  Weatherby

David  Weeks

John Webb

William Weaver

Jonathan Weigant

Michl Weeks

William Weeks

George  Weid

Pryor Hughes

Owen Humphrey

James Hughes

Jamil Youndt

Lewin Hunt

John Humphreys

Grandison Hunt

Jacob  Hughes

Leanore Hughes

John Hogle

John Knose

James Knose

James Officer

Isaac Odenwald

Wallis Officer

John Joost

Peter Hogle

William Cowan

Campbell Cowan

Robert  Cowan

Ely Coffy

Asbury MCoffey

Rosannah Cowan

John Cochran

Andrew  Cowan

David  Cowan

Marvel Coffey

David  Black

Wlater Bllengslgtz

Peter Blackwell

Argyle Blackstone

Isaac Blades

Saml Blakely

Saml Blackham

Allen  Blevin

James Blackham

John Blankenship

William Farmer

Solomon Farnsworth

William Farland

Charles  Farley

Jsial Farmer

James Farless

James Farless

Thomas Farmer

John Farmer

Henry  Farmer

William Farmer

John Farmer

John Fowler

William Foster

Jon Foster

Simpson Foster

Thomas Ford

Thomas Foster

Augustus Fore

William Forester

Paul Foster

Elizabeth Gilbreath

Saml Gantt

David  Jameson

Benjamin  Jamison

John James

Andrew James

Saml Jameson

John Parsons

Aron Parker

Mres Parris

William Parris

Thomas Parsons

Abraham  Parnes

James Parmley

William Parker

Mary  Parker

David Parker

Joel Culpepper

Gellert Cruise

Thomas Crutchfield

Joseph Coff

George  Mccully

Andrw Mccuiston

Jame Perry

John Perrin

William Simerly

John Simons

Jonas Wssoms

William Siptell

Thomas DSimerly

William Semmons

John Simpson

Vincent Simms

William Childress

Rlleigh Chesnut

EW Chapman

John Childress

Benjamin  Charter

John Childress

Isaac Childress

Nancy Childress

James Chesnut

Robert  Childress

James Childress

Walter Childress

Josiah Childress

Saml Childress

Mary  Mcmillan

Eli Moss

William Moss

John Moss

John Mount

Edward Moss

John Mulkey

George  Mountcastle

Jonathan Mulkey

Joel Mullens

Thomas Mount

Patsy Mount

David Stepp

Jacob  Stieger

Joshua Stehley

William Stepp

Caleb Starr

Jones Steede

Lewis Hale

Wden Hagler

David Hafley

Fielding Hall

John Hall

Corneluis Hafley

Cathrine Hale

Henny Hackworth

Saml Hale

William Hale

Frederick Hale

William Hale

William Hagert

Spencer Tlleston

Priscilla Toney

Jesse  Stsworth

William Wance

Jesse  Wells

James Willes

James Vestal

William Welcker

Chapman Stewart

Jonathan Stephenson

Saml Starnes

Jacob  Stiff

Alexr Stephenson

David Stewart

David Stewart

Charles  Stuart

John Sterling

Nehemiah Stephens

Thomas Stothard

David Stephens

Andres Stevenson

Hamilton Stewart

Robert  Stephenson

James Collier

Sarah Mccall


Mary  Collett

Henry  Collins

William MccAllen

James Collins

Thomas Collens

William Combs

James Callon

John Collins

John Mccall

Joseph Sallee

Elizah Sankenihip

Elizabeth Snow

William Snider

William Dotson

Matthew Doherty

Warren Dotson

Edwin Ditmore

Nicholas Dotson

Garland Dickison

John Ditmore

Levi Dotson

Jesse  Dotson

William Dodd

John Dodson

Jno Dotson

Henry  Dotson

Olwen Dolson

John Dickenson

Martin Dotson

Warren Dotson

William Dotson

Eden Dixon

Charles  Doherty

John Dolson

Jesse  Dotson

Fanny Dotson

Solomon Dixon

George  Dotson

William Dodd

Jesse Dodson

Jesse Dotson

Elisha Dotson

William Dotson

James Dotson

Jane Dotson

William Dotson

Jesse Dobkins

Griffith Dickason

Eli DeArmstrong

Carry AArmstrong

John Armstrong

Elizabeth Armstrong

William Armstrong

Thomas Armstrong

James Armstrong

William Arthur

Hugh Ash

Bennet Arnold

James Arnold

John Armstrong

John Arnwine

Benjamin  Armstrong

Robert  Ash

Ambrose Armstrong

Diany Wheat

John Westwood

William White

John White

Gabriel Wheeler

Reubin White

Dnl White

Saml Wheeler

Howell White

Michl Whetsel

Jesse White

Will White

Alex Westmoreland

Obediah White

Abraham  White

John White

Elisha White

James Wheeler

Thomas White

Nathanl White

Abigail Brown

William Brown

Elizabeth Brown

William Brown

William Brown

Madz Bromfield

Joseph Brown

Joshua Brown

James Brown

Nathan Brown

William Bromfield

Sarah Brown

Matthew Browder

Edmond Browder

John Brookshire

Alexander Brown

Joel Brown

Jesse Brown

John Brown

John Brown

Joseph Brown

Thomas Brown

Joseph Browder

John Oconnell

Saml Mcconnell

James Conan

James Conan

John Kincannon

Francis Kincannon

John Comley

Richard  Canell

Benja Crownover

James Gettys

William George

Richard  Gibbs

Curtis Jorg

Allen  Gentry

Jwrdon Gibson

Isaac George

Joseph Fitzgerald

Fleming Gibbs

Allen  Gentry

Hartwell Jorg

Michl Hamby

Jesse Hamilton

John Hanby

Saml HHamill

John Hambright

William SHaney

Martin Haney

Pamela Hamby

Christopher Hals


Peter Hambright

Jesse Hamby

Polly Helvy

Zacharias Heindl

Selah Hambrick

Isaac Hamby

Elizah Hamilton

William Haney

James Hampton

Nancy Hambright

Robert  Hancy

William Hampton

Benjamin  Hambright

William Hampton

Wade Hampton

Jeremiah Hambrick

James Oldham

Isaac Oliver

Jane Mcmahan

John Mcmahan

John Mcmahan

Silas Mrgone

Thomas Merton

David Moore

William Moore

John Moreland

Kinney Moore

Jesse Moore

William Morrie

George  Moreland

PhilipF rye

Francis Freeman

Harvey Frey

Thomas Franger

Gideon French

Jonathan Boone

Joseph Boone

Benjamin  Bond

John Bowerman

Armond Bond

Sarah Boone

Ezekiel Bonner

James Bonner

Jannah Bond

Henry  Bond

Martha Bond

Israel Boone

James Mitchell

John Menturff

Joseph Minges

Thomas Menturff

Elizabeth Meiss

County Mcminn

John Mcminn

Thomas PMells

Allen  Milson

Michael Scarborough

James Scarborough

Robert  Scarborough

Archibald Syer

Saml Patterson

Robert  Patton

Robert  Patterson

John Patrick

Nancy Patterson

William TPatterson

Peter Arehart

John Chambers

Edmond Chambers

Jacob  Slaughter

David Slagle

John Small

Achd Sloane

Matthew Small

William Slaughter

James Sloane

John Slaughter

William Smaby

Waller WSivils

Aralom Sivils

Thomas Skelton

William Small

James Small

Robert  Sloane

Caswell Jarnagin

Haney Jordy

George  Price

William Price

John Pugh

Thomas Pridmore

Ephraim Prince

Henning Pugh

Henny Price

Arlington Proffit

John Prince

Charles  Price


William Price

Armstead Thornhill

Harris Thorpe

John Thornberry

Thomas Timmons

James Stelton

Danl Turner

Saml Underwood

Sherwood Turns

Jonathan Ultsch

Joseph Babb

Abraham Edmondson

Ambrose Ager

John Edgar

Joseph Eddington

Jesse WEdington

James Earles

Clement Eaton

Saml Edmondson

Arch Edens

Manuel Edmondson

John Edmondson

Arey Eastridge

William White

Stephen Whitten

William Wiggins

John Whitmore

James White

Ephraim White

James GWilliam s

Lemuel Wilkerson

Frederick William s

Mead William s

Frederick William s

Garland William s

John Willen

Peter William s

Danl William s

Sarah William s

Robert William s

Silas Witt

Kinsey Wilhite

John William s

James Willen

Dolph Will

Shadrack William s

Byrd Peake

Isaac Payne

Jacob  Peake

Saml Willis

Dariel Wilson

William Wilson

William Wilson

James Wilson

Saml Wilson

James Wilson

Mercedes Wilson

Ransom Wilson

Hugh Wilson

John Wilson

Sarah Willson

William Willis

Alexander Wilson

William Wilson

Richard Wilson

Abraham Wilson

William Wilson

George  Wilson

David Vinton

Saml Wilson

Enoch Wilson

Abraham Winkle

William Wilson

William Wilson

Martha Wilson

Cato Wilson

Daniel Peerce

Charles Philips

Lewis Peirce

John Peirce

James Peirce

Haney Pickens

Robert Pickins

David Pierce

William Philips

Rose Picken

Robert Philips

Daniel Peirce

William Philips

Thomas Peirce

James Witt

Rutherford Witt

William Wood

Burgess Witt

Burgess Witt

Qlentine Witt

Archibald Whitter

Solly Witt

James Witt

Jeremiah Wolfe

Sally Witt

John Wolfe

James Woods

Joshua Witt

John Whittenburg

Mary  Wolfe

William Womble

Adam Wolfe

George Weathers

Porter Wiseman

Silas Witt

Vincent Woods

William Wood

Saml Workman

Stephen Woods

John Wodall

Aanlla Woodall

Hram Worley

Jas Satterfield

Robert Satterfield

Russell Saxon

William Saxon

John Sato

Edward Satterfield

James Sevon

Benjamin  Wright

Saml Yates

Willis Wright

Cyrus Yaney

Joseph Wright

James Wyatt

Alexander Yancy

Saml Mcknight

William Knight

Robert Mcknight

William Knox

Gsham Young

Isaac Young

John Young

Peter Yourell

William Ziglar

Matthias Benson


Thomas Benton

Solomon Bennitt

John Benton

Rachel Bennet

Thomas Benton

Thomas Barton

Allen  Butter

Thomas Burton

George  Bush

Honey Gill

Danl Gilleland

Mlley Gilley

Matthew Gibson

Elizah Gillenwaters

Thomas Gibson

Robert Howell

David Hoyle

Jacob  Hoss

Peter Hoyle

Thomas Hoyle

Thomas Howard

Mary  Hudnall

John Hoyle

James Hussong

William Cansler

Fanky Kindrick

John Carnes

Alfred Keng

James Kennedy

George  Kinnard

Malinda Kennedy

John Cansler

Nicholas Carnes

Moses Kennedy

Janes Kidd

William Cannington

Polly Cansler

Absalom Cxy

Matthias Crawford

George  Cxy

James Cox

George  Coxe

Srshabe Cranford

Philip Coxe

WstAllen  Coe

John Coxe

William Cox

John Coxey

John Crawford

Nancy Crab

Thomas Crawford

Andrew  Crawford

Benjamen Coxe

Brden Mccoy

Sarah Coxe

James Hackbart

Thomas Guthy

George Hackler

John Kibble

Nathan Kelly

Igino Kelly

Singleton Mckeel

William Kelly

Aaron Mckeehan

Dnl Kelly

William Kelly

Joel Kelly

Thomas Keg

Mather Kelly

William Kelly

Solomon Kean

James Mckeehan

Jonathan Kelly

Job Mckeehan

Richard Kelly

John Kelly

Elias JKeath

Julius Miller

James Miller

Cty Miller

William Miller

John Miller

John Miller

Adam Miller

John Miller

John Miller

Thomas Miller

William sPllerd

Jacob  Plowman

John Pinker

Barnes Pitman

Erwin Donoher

Michael Donivan

William Donalson

Mary  Doan

Charles HDorion

William Horner

Jeston Houston

Riley Horn

William Howard

George Horn

Thomas Langford

Gpson Lankford

Lassel Lankford

John FLane

Robert Lankford

James Hllulky

Robert Mclane

Elias Langum

Isaac Lane

John Lankford

Saml Lane

Fdence CLane

Noah Lane

Prudence Lane

Hugh Mclain

Russell Lane

John Lambert

Jeremiah Scott

Robert Scott

Abraham Scott

William Isham

William Irwin

Benjamin  Erwin

Thomas Jackson

Charles Isham

John Isham

James Jack

James Irwin

Benjamin  Isbell

John Jackson

John BJackson

John Erwin

John Jack

George Amerine

Henry Amerine

Isham Amerine

John Amos

Charles Paylor

Asa Beucler

Jonas Bedford

John Byler

John Bell

Josiah Becket

William Bell

John Beeler

Jesse Beckham

David Byler

Stephen Bedford

Thomas Becket

Sarah Foley

Peter Flcker

Nicholas Flcker

Thomas Oncken

Peter Flcker

John Heart

William Haymes

David Haymes

Caleb Haymes

John Hains

John Haynes

Joseph Haynes

William Haymes

Lewis Huffaker

Sarah Haymes

Christ Huffaker

Joshua Haymes

Abraham AHeard

Rebecca Heard

Elliot Heart

Franklin Dickey

Samuel Dickey

David Dickey

Richard Morgan

Saml Morton

James Morris

Joshua Morgan

Thomas Morris

John Morris

Joseph BMorriss

Jospeh Morten

Stephen Morris

Saml Morgan

George Morgan

Lloyd Maroney

James Morris

Dcherson Morris

John Morriss

Nathaniel Morrisson

John Morrisson

Lttleburg Morris

Hardy Morris

Silas Morgan

Polly Short

John Shively

William Shook

Jacob  Shoopman

Eli Sherrill

John Shook

Banner Sheilds

John Shoemaker

Elizabeth Shepley

Quiller Shipley

Thomas Sherman

George Sheilds

Dennis Hskings

Alfred Shoemaker

Robert Porter

Joseph Poague

Fielding Pope

Young Pool

James Porter

William Poller

John Porter

Richard Pallant

Jemina Powe

William Porter

Henry Porter

John Powe

Janet Porter

James Porter

Solomon Poller

William Jinkins

David Jenkin

John January

William Jon

Aaron Jarrott

William Orr

Mary  Oerly

William Orr

James Orr

Fanky Olmer

John Srbell

James Henderson

Isaac Henderson

William Henderson

Peggy Henderson

John Henderson

Polly Henderson

John Helms

William Helms

William Headrick

Thomas Hemphill

James Helms

William Henderson

Allen  Henderson

John Hemphill

John Querner

Saml Mcjunkin

Walter Billingsly

George Biddle

Nathanl Bivins

Eli Bigham

Andrew  Bigham

Henny Bible

Stephen Benlee

James Billingsly

Matilda Bigham

Benjamin  Robert Bingham

John Berch

Kinsey Sbourna

Edwd Rutherford

Elizabeth Russell

John Sedly

Larkin Rutherford

James Sbourna

John Sbourne

Amos Ryan

John Ryan

James Russell

Thomas Sodler

Joseph Sboourne

James Rutherford

Curtis Russell

John Rutherford

Danl Stockton

Daniel Stout

Abraham Stover

Conrad Stayner

Jane Stout

Sylvanus Stokes

Hilary Stoker

Jeremiah Strange

John Stone

Elijah Cantrell

Isaac Carlock

Gabriel Cantrell

David Cantrell

Isaac Cantrell

Moses Cantrell

Nimrod Cantrell

John Cantrell

Joseph Carlisle

Jacob  Cantrell

James Cantrell

William Cannon

William Brittain

John Brittain

Elbert Brock

Joel Brock

James Bridges

James HBridges

Martha Brock

Nathan Brittain

Benjamin  Brock

Bassingen Brock

Henry Brock

William Brittain

Terry Brock

Cornelius Brogle

George Corn

William Copeland

Joseph Carmack

Joseph Copeland

Lydia Corn

Benjamin  Mccormac

Joseph Copeland

Robert Mccormack

John Copeland

Alex Copeland

Joseph Cobbs

Miles Coats

Robert Cobb

John Cobbs

David ACobbs

Elenor Lough

John Clayton

John Clanton

William Coats

Isaac Cloud

George Cobb

John Mcclelland

Jesse Coats

Saml Cleage

John Cloud

Robert MMcclary

Robert Mccroskey

John Atkerson

Saml Aikin

Ann Atkinson

John Atkinson

Thomas Austin

William Atkinson

Patsy Atkinson

John Austen

James Atkerson

Isaac Eakin

Joseph Atchley

Elijah Carroll

James Kerr

Simon Mcarrol

Saml Carpenter

William Kerr

Thomas Carman

James Dearmond

Ananias Allen

William Dearmon

Henson Elessen

Robert Ellison

Benjamin  Allen

Jonas Dearmond

William Allen

John Dearmond

Robert Ellisen

Benjamin  Allen

John Allen

Edward Allen

William Allen

Ary Dearmond

Andrew  Burke

John Burke

John Burke

William Burke

Audree Burke

Benjamin Burke

James Burke

Allen Burkes

Willis Burkes

Peter Helton

Claiborne Hill

James Hiler

William Hiler

Joseph Hiler

Isaac Hill

James Hix

Isab Hill

Saml Hill

John Hill

James Hiler

Priscilla Longley

John Longley

Jesse Laslie

Jonathan Longley

Isham Losson

William Longley

James Longley

Joel Longley

Wiley Lassiter

Rowland Larremore

Hugh Larrimore

Peter Larrison

Nathan Lawson

James Lawson

David Lawson

Tyre Lawson

Edward Laughlin

David Lawson

Jacob Lawson

Isa Lawson

Allen Lawson

William Lawson

John Lawson

William Lawson

Richard Lawson

John Lattimore

Betsy Page

Jeremiah Pack

William Parmer

John Pack

Thomas Pack

Elias Pesly

Andrew  Pangle

Peter Taff

William Tankersley

Richard Tankersley

Mary Sord

James Swinford

Josiah Sykes

Danl Rfan

Enoch TAllen t

Jonathan Swinford

Levi Swinford

Thornton Goddard

Miles Sntherd

Jacob Golding

James Glass

Henry Glaze

Thomas Goff

Hugh Goddard

Peter Kndar

William Gladden

Gllam Snnthard

Hutson Greenwood

John Gresham

William Griffith

James Grisham

William Giffen

Michl Gresham

Elizah Grisham

Benjaman Griffith

John Gresham

Tply Gregory

David Greer

John Greenwood

Jesse Grisham

Thomas JGrills

Oswell Griffin

James Gragg

Williford Grogin

William Griffen

Joel Grigg

Asa Grisham

Young Griffin

Jesse Grisham

Bartholomey Henry

Thomas Merrit

Frederick Michaels

John Middleton

Charles Metcalfe

William Mlky

William Newman

James Newman

James Newland

Robert Newman

Bird Newman

Edward Newton

Bing Newton

William Newman

Jesse Newman

John Newton

Danl Newman

Zrah Mitchell

James Mitchell

Allen Mitchell

John Mnosnall

William Mitchell

John Adams

John DAker

John Adams

Danl Adams

Williams Adams

Joshua Adams

James Agee

William Adams

Thomas Adams

Byrd Adam

Saml Adams

Nelson Adams

James Cunningham

Moses Cunningham

Henry Ellis

William Emmerson

William Ellis

John Ellis

Joseph England

John Ellis

Joshua Ellis

William Jones

Silas Jones

William Jones

Thomas Jones

William John s

John Jones

William Jones

William Jonas

William John s

Reese Jones

Robert John s

Isaac Jones

James Jones

Joel Jones

Ezekiel Johns

Alban Jones

Jane Madden

William Magby

Benjamen Mackey

James Madden

William Matson

John Mackey

John Mattock

John Farris

Beson Fields

Stephen Farris

James Fyffe

Joseph Field

Thomas Fields

Jeremiah Farris

Margaret LFyffe

Rachel Farris

Andras Daker

James Dson

Alferd Deering

John Dickard

Allen Decker

John Mcdaniel

James Darnell

James Mcdaniel

Ann Daniel

Ralph Dnggar

Allen Darker

Coleman Daniel

David Dolton

Alexander Mcdaniel

Amy Durm

Henry Dnggar

Thomas Mcdanal

William Mcdaniel

William Darnell

George Baker

Lucy Bailey

William Baker

Wesley Bailey

Alexander Baker

Levin Ball

William Ballard

Thomas Backer

William Bailey

Joseph Baker

John Bailey

James Bailey

Cisley Baker

Lewis Bailey

William Ferguson

Jonathan Felker

James Dennes

Allen Dennes

Jesse Denton

Michl Derrick

Thomas Devine

John Devine

Jonathan Derrick

Isham Dennis

James Devine

Allen Dennes

Saml Fulcher

Sarah Fulcher

Henry Funkhouser

Nathan Goring

Joseph Hghsan

Major Gillahan

John Gillahan

Joshua Guinn

James Long

John Long

William Logan

Moses Long

George Long

Myples Long

James Long

John Logan

Isaac Long

Moses Abel

Isaac Hffacrd

David Hannah

Cistopher Hayner

James DHenly

Aaron Hayner

Wright Hankins

William Hannah

John Hanks

Benjamin Hawkins

David Hanks

Robert Hannah

Johan Hannah

Joseph MHannah

William Harelson

James Hand

William Hodan

Philip Hinkle

Thomas Hodges

Patsey Hodne

Cty Hinkle

Jesse Hinkle

John Mckinley

Ksiab Kinslow

Thomas Ccill

Jonathan Cnch

Wthl King

Reuben Kllingsworth

John King

William King

William Kllingsworth

Thos Kirk

John Kirk

Benj John son

Saml Tunnel

Daniel Vandegriff

Senter Kuter??

Geo Hoskins

Gee Mte

Wm Breaden

Jacob Loy

Joseph Vner

Abner Cokran

Joseph Parks


Frederick William s

Thos William s

Am William s


Thos Butter

Henry Butter

Dnd Ker


Nancy Tmiel


Andrew England

Alfred England

Wm England

Peter John

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